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05: An Introduction to Defusion with Russ Harris

In this episode, Jen and John talk with Russ Harris, MD about the process of defusion in ACT.  Listeners will go on a journey of discovering the tricky aspects of language and thinking, and learn skills that can be used to become less caught up in thoughts so that they can live more free and meaningful lives. 

About Dr. Harris:

Dr. Harris is the author of two prominent ACT books; The Happiness Trap (a book for clients) and ACT Made Simple (a book for therapists). He began his career as a General Practitioner or Primary Care doctor, but soon became more interested in the psychological aspects of health, and retrained as a psychotherapist. After learning about ACT from its founders, Dr. Harris has become an internationally known trainer and presenter in ACT, and is a regular professional consultant on the Australian television show Making Australia Happy


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