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Transformation of Stimulus Function in Boston

Earlier last month, late night talk show host Trevor Noah had a section of his show that looked at racism in Boston. The report when on to explain how Boston is consistently rated the most racist city in the United States. In an effort to infuse humor (as he often does), one of his correspondants, Roy Wood Jr., took to the streets of Boston to determine if the townsfolk agreed with the reports. At the end of the bit, in an effort to make the townsfolk care more about how racist or not they are, he puts racism in a frame of coordination with sports. The bit has Roy Wood Jr.  have the townsfolk go into a very sportslike chant. He prompts the crowd with "What's the least racist city in the US!" to which the crowd yells Boston. Roy Wood Jr. goes on to tell the crowd that they are not 1st in this regard and then lists off many other cities that place higher than Boston for being accepting. In short, Roy Wood Jr. taps into the competitive nature of people from Boston and points out they are not the best at being accomodating and are losing to other cities. Now if only we can collect data following the intervention....